# Terms & Conditions

# 1 - Organizing companies

This competition is organized by :

  • Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX , A Scientific Research Foundation (FCS), listed under SIREN N° 753 408 962, having its head office at Palaiseau (91120), 2, Boulevard Thomas Gobert,France

# 2 - Purpose of the competition and calendar

The Organizers have decided to organize a competition (“Competition”) the purpose of which is to Promote the use of ML based surrogate models to solve physical problems, through a task addressing a CFD usecase related to airfoil modeling.

The Competition is held in France from November 16th 2023 to February 22nd 2024 inclusive

# This Competition runs in 3 phases:

  • Warm-up phase (4 weeks): participants can get familiar with provided material and the competition platform, make their first submissions and provide feedback to organizers. Based on this feedback, organizers can adjust and improve the competition for the next phase.
  • Development phase (9 weeks): participants will develop their solutions and will be able to test their already trained models against a provided validation dataset. They can also have access continuously to the global score corresponding the submitted solution.
  • Final phase (1 week): the organizers prepare the final ranking and official results.

  • Phase 1 : warm-up phase from November 16th 2023 to December 13th 2023
  • Phase 2 : Development phase December 14th 2023 to February 15th 2024
  • Phase 3 : Final phase February 16th 2024 to February 22nd 2024

# Definition and value of awards :

  • 1st Prize : 4000 €
  • 2nd Prize : 2000 €
  • 3rd Prize : 1000 € Special prizes: Best student solution : 1000 €

# Criterias to determinate the winners :

The ranking of the submission will be based on the score as defined in the evaluation page. The score formula can be adjusted by the organizer based on the feedback obtained from submitted participation until the begining of phase 2. Only submission made during the 2nd phase (development) of the competition will be included for the final ranking.

# 3 - Communication

The Competition is announced on Codabench (opens new window), through the official IRT SystemX LinkedIn account, as well as on the website https://ml-for-physical-simulation-challenge.irt-systemx.fr/ (opens new window).

# 4 - Participation to the Competition

  • To enter in Competition, entrants must register on Codabench platform at https://www.codabench.org/competitions/
  • The Competition is free of charge, with no obligation to purchase and no participation fees.
  • Participants may be individuals or companies. - This Competition is open to any person over 18 years of age on the date of participation, excluding members of the Organizer's staff, family living under their roof, and staff of companies providing services for this Competition.
  • Participants may enter either individually or in groups, in which case all team members must be over 18 years of age.
  • Teams should use a common account, under a group email. Multiple accounts are forbidden.
  • Verification of identity: participants authorize the Organizers to carry out any necessary verification of their identity and their professional postal and/or e-mail address. These verifications will be carried out in strict compliance with Article 9 of the French Civil Code.

# 5 - Terms of participation

  • During the warm-up phase, the Organizers may adjust the global score formula.
  • During phase 1 and 2 the participant can submit its code and see its score on the leader board.
  • The Organizers may provide additional baseline results during the challenge to stimulate the Competition.
  • The participant, and/or the team using a group account, will be limited to 20 submissions per day and 1000 in total per phase.
  • The Organizers strongly encourage all participants to share their codes and make them accessible in public submission.
  • The final ranking of the participants will be using the global score calculated based on the 3 categories of criteria, and notified to all participants.

# 6 - Awards

  • To receive any award, a participant (which can be a team) should agree to open-source its code at the end of the Competition.
  • Monetary prizes for the Competition winners will only be awarded to Competition winners subject to the participant (such as winning companies, institutions, team members or individuals) not being under any sort of sanction by European countries or states. If the Competition winners cannot be awarded by the monetary prize, it will be donated to an agreed non-profit organization or charity in the name of the Competition winner.
  • Winners will be notified through the email provided when registering to the competition (associated with the codabench account of the participant).

# 7 - Modifications - Restrictions

The Organizers reserves the right to modify the rules of the Competition, without any recourse against them. The Organizers may not be held liable for such modifications.

The Organizers reserves the right to stop, cancel, postpone or extend this Competition at any time for reasons of force majeure, without any compensation being due on its part.

Neither can they be held responsible for any disruption due to technical incidents, strikes or any other interruption beyond their control.

# 8 - Personal Data

Participants and Winners are reminded that they must provide, through the codabench platform, certain personal information about themselves (e-mail address, surname, first name, address, etc.) to participate.

This information is necessary to take into account their participation in the Competition and to award/deliver the prizes. This information will be used by Organizers to organize the competition.

The information collected on the registration form on codabench.org is recorded in a filing system by the University Paris-Saclay, LISN laboratory, Campus Universitaire Bât 650-660 - 1 rue Raimond Castaing - 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, FRANCE on behalf of the Organizers. The prize-winners agree to take part in any publicity or promotional operation linked to this Competition, and within these frameworks, to the total or partial use of their name and/or image, invention and/or innovation on any media such as social networks or website. More information on the privacy policy of Codabench.org can be found at : https://github.com/codalab/codalab-competitions/wiki/Privacy

In accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, each participant has the right to access, modify, rectify or delete information concerning him or her, which may be exercised by simple request to the following address: ml4physim-challenge@irt-systemx.fr

# 9 - Acceptance of the rules

The mere fact of taking part in this Competition implies full acceptance of the present rules, waiver of any recourse concerning the conditions of organization and running of the Competition, as well as pure and simple acceptance of the awarding of prizes by the jury, whose decision is sovereign.

# 10 – Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These rules shall be governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of France.

All disputes in connection with or arising out of the existence, validity, construction, performance and/or termination of the Competition (or any terms thereof), which the parties are unable to resolve amicably between themselves, shall be finally settled by the competent courts of Paris. The proceedings shall be conducted in the French language.